Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Birth

October 2nd came and went with no baby. I had a doctor's appointment on the 4th and we decided that if I hadn't gone into labor by the 7th, we would induce. With the plan ready, I worked on unpacking more of the boxes in the house and getting my bag ready for the hospital. We had gotten almost all the boxes unpacked except the ones with our books.
The afternoon of the 5th I was waiting for a UPS delivery so I decided to tackle the book boxes. Sitting on the floor of the bedroom, I heard the buzzer for the door and as I got up, I felt something running down my leg. OH SHIT! was all that came to my mind because my water had just broke. I waddled to the door, got the package, then headed directly to the bathroom to see what exactly was going on. I cleaned up, got some dry clothes and proceeded out of the bathroom just as Jason walked through the door. I looked at him shocked, told him my water broke and panicked just a little bit. I still hadn't gotten everything gathered for the hospital so I frantically gathered what was left, of course forgetting toothbrushes, toothpaste, hairbrush and a couple of other things for Jason.
The 45 minute drive to the hospital wasn't too eventful. I called the doctor's office on the way over to let them know I was heading over. We also called our parents and my parents were going to head out as soon as possible.
I slowly leaked all the way and was very uncomfortable when Jason dropped me off so he could park the car. I waddled to the elevator so I could head up to the labor and delivery floor where they got me checked in and I got out of my soaked clothes. They checked me over and my water had broke so I settled in the bed and just relaxed. The contractions hadn't really started so they decided to get some pitocin going to get them started. I made laps around the hospital floor when I could to try and get things moving. My parents had gotten there by the time I had gotten settled. They stayed for a little while visiting and then decided to find a hotel room for the night since the doctor was sure I wouldn't be going into labor until later.

Resting and chatting with parents in the labor/delivery room

Around midnight, the contractions started getting worse. I decided to get my epidural and hopefully get a little rest that night. I got all hooked up and the epidural in but of course I just couldn't get comfortable and was restless all night. It didn't help that they kept checking on me to make sure things were ok. They put an internal monitor on the baby, but for some reason it didn't want to stay stuck. You'll see why in a bit LOL. Jason pulled out the couch and tried to get comfortable himself but it's not easy on a bed he wasn't used to.

Around 7 a.m. Dr. Swanson came in to see how things were going and at the time I was at 7 cm dilated. I never did go past that mark. Around 9 a.m, the doc was back to see me and I hadn't dilated any farther and the baby was going into distress so we decided that the best for both of us would be to have a c-section. It wasn't what I was planning but plans can and will change. They stopped the pitocin and the baby calmed down. They got J some scrubs so he could be there with me and off I went to the operating room. Now, this was the first time I had EVER been admitted to a hospital let alone major surgery. I was so nervous I started feeling sick. J wasn't there right away when I got there and I was panicky. My breathing exercises came in handy that day. All I could feel was lots of tugging on my body and it felt so weird. At 9:30 a.m., our little girl joined the world. She didn't cry right away but I did finally hear her and it was a beautiful sound. I laid there while they closed me up and J went with the nurses to get our beautiful baby girl cleaned up, weighed, measured and checked over then he brought her over to me and I got to see my little girl for the first time.
Meeting my daughter for the first time
Our family

This is Evelyn Inez Gaspard, born October 6th, 2011.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Life Happens part 2

Ok, July had the 4th of July party with my family and at the end of the month was the Eliason family reunion. It was a struggle every time we would try and visit my family because of all the flooding from the Missouri River. There were sections of I-29 closed, highways and bridges closed. A little over 2 hour trip to my parent's house turned into 3 hours some times. It was tough, but we got up to visit when we could.

The weather cooperated enough to be able to have the 4th at my brother's house. We all had a good time with family and enjoyed the food and the festivities of the fireworks at night. It was warm that day, but nothing to what it was for our family reunion. The end of July in South Dakota was miserable. Being in my 3rd trimester when it was this hot was even worse. I couldn't get cooled off. I was so uncomfortable. We would go over in the morning to the campground where we would gather and by the late morning I felt the need to go back to the hotel and sleep. I was so hot I couldn't even eat, because I would feel sick. I even took cool showers when we would get back to the hotel room to get cooled off and then I would lay down and nap for a couple of hours. It didn't help that the a/c in the hotel room wasn't working that great either. We would then head over in the evening for a couple of more hours and then off to bed.

I also had my first of 3 baby showers for our nugget as Jason called her since we didn't know what we were having.  This shower was for my family and friends that lived by my parents. I got to see many people I haven't seen in a very long time. It was like a homecoming.
beginning of 3rd trimester

I was working on packing during this time. We were supposed to move in to our new place the first of August, but they called us and said the old tenants weren't moving out until the end of August. We lucked out and the apartment complex we were living in hadn't informed the new tenants for our place when we would be moving out so we were able to stay until we could move into our new place which was September 9th. I got an extra month for packing and boy did I need it. I still wasn't finished packing when the truck pulled in that morning. It was a long, hot day and by the time everything was moved into the apartment I was exhausted. I made too many trips up and down the stairs. We decided that night we would spend at J's parents so we didn't have to worry about making the bed or unpacking anything. I saw my doctor the next week and he said I was lucky I didn't put myself into early labor moving like that.

The room we were going to use as a nursery had turned into a catch all room for boxes we weren't sure what we were going to do with so it was full and needed to be cleaned out before we could move in any of the baby furniture we had. The crib was purchase for us at a consignment sale and the changing table was loaned to us by Jason's sister. Both pieces were out in the dining room until the room got cleared out. When we finally did that, we got the crib together and started putting things away as best as we could. Now I want to change the room again since Evie is older. These photos were taken very close to the end of the pregnancy.

Well, another long post and I still haven't made it to the birth LOL. Next time :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Life Happens

Well, it's been way too long since the last time I blogged and so much has happened I don't know where to start.

 This past year has brought about a lot of change once again in my life and my husband's life. 2011 started out with my J getting written up at work. It was the first time he had ever been written up for a job. It was crazy. The place he was working at had turned very toxic and he was having panic attacks when he was getting ready in the morning.
 During this time we also found out that I was pregnant. Many don't know this but I had a miscarriage almost 2 years ago. Anyone that talked to me at Silver Bell 2010 might have heard how I got a tattoo while there. The tattoo was for the baby I lost. I went in and got checked when I was late and I was about 6 weeks along but I had to go on hormone therapy. I had to go in for weekly blood tests to make sure the levels were where they needed to be. When I went in for my 8 week appointment, they said things were looking good. Things kept going well and I was able to be off the hormone therapy after 10 weeks.
Unfortunately, after J worked so hard to try and keep his job, he was still fired at the end of January. He took a few weeks off, got his resume in order and started sending out to job listings all over. We were uncertain as to where he would get a job at. We were wondering if we would end up having to moving across country again. Luckily, he applied and got a job in Omaha so we only had to move from Lincoln to Omaha. Lets just say that even though it hurt him to be fired, he now is working at a place that is so much nicer than where he was.

The first trimester went well. There were a few foods that I just couldn't handle even smelling and I was very tired. I still worked at the behavior school but I could no longer be involved in crisis situations with the children. I was also informed by my ob/gyn that he wanted me to try and not gain too much weight during the pregnancy since I was already overweight starting in. We decided to not find out what we were having. We liked the idea of a surprise. J named the fetus nugget. The best thing was telling our parents. We decided to tell J's parents on his mom's birthday so we got her a grandma theme card. She read through and it didn't click until the end when she saw that is was signed by nugget. With my parents, I made t-shirts that said grandma and grandpa. I gave them the shirts and said I found them in the clearance at a store. They looked at them and it took a bit for the news to click. I think our parents had given up on getting grandkids from us. I've never seen my mom move so fast to give me a hug and J's mom cried where I figured it would be my mom that would've gotten teary-eyed.

Second trimester had lots of things going on. J got to be there for the baby's first photos aka ultrasounds. He didn't get to be there to hear the heartbeat for the first time but I phoned him up and he heard it over the phone. It was so amazing hearing the baby's heartbeat. School was coming to an end. I was doing well not gaining much weight and the baby was growing well. By this time I had started to wear a lot of pants with elastic in them and had to pack away all my jeans and shorts that were just a little too small. I may not have gained a lot of weight but my mid-section was starting to get bigger even though I technically wasn't showing yet. I finally told everyone at work I was pregnant. I wanted to wait until after the first trimester to let people know but I told the important people that would need to know that I was pregnant and couldn't do some of the things I would have normally handled. It was a sad day the last day of school. I loved the people I worked with and I didn't want to leave there, but we had to move to Omaha and with the baby there was no way I would be able to keep working there. My summer entailed packing, looking for an apartment to move to and doctor's appointments. There are more things we did but That will be the next blog. Gotta keep you in suspense :)