Monday, December 28, 2009

34 things to accomplish

Some of you may know I had a birthday this month. I turned 34. I love reading blogs and I was inspired by Elsie's blog A Beautiful Mess. She posted about how she made a list of things to do before her next birthday. It got me thinking and I just loved the idea.
Why not make a goal list for the year based on your age?!?! I need to get myself focused and working towards a goal. For the last few years, I have felt like I am treading water in my life.

Not going anywhere.

Not growing.

Stuck in stagnant water

This is my time, my year to make things happen in my life. I can feel it. Something was different about this birthday. Most of the time my birthdays just wash over me and they aren't that special. I hope to keep this feeling going.

Of course, over the last week it hasn't been a great time. Too much snow, not getting out of the house. I am getting down in the dumps, but today the snow is shining on ice coated branches making the world seem it is made of glass. The snow flocked evergreens waiting patiently. Today is a day of renewal and change.

I hope everyone has a wonderful end to their year and a great start for 2010.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

I have lots to share!!! You can see in the background I was in Las Vegas this month. It was my birthday and our Christmas present to each other. We are standing outside of Bellagio where we stayed for a week.

I hope this next week I have off from school I can catch you up on everything that has happened over the last couple of months. But right now I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all stay safe and be careful. We are staying home for Christmas because of the weather and will have Christmas with the families next week when hopefully the weather is a little nicer.

Take care and have a wonderful holiday!!!!