Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nebraska here we come

Well, it's been decided. We are definitely heading to Nebraska. DH found a job and we have an apartment lined up. The house is on the market and I would say the house is now half packed up. I am having a HUGE moving sale since we will be down sizing from 3 bedrooms to 2 and we may not have a garage to store a few things in. It looks like we will be heading out around July 15th. DH starts work on the 21st. I am nervous, scared, hopeful, frustrated and overwhelmed all at the same time. I am also happy and sad. I will be moving back close to my family and DH's family which will be nice and I hate to say it but I do miss the changing of the seasons that happens in the midwest. I am sad because I will be leaving behind our first house and all the wonderful people I have gotten to know as friends from Crafts Fifth Avenue. You have all touched my heart in many ways and I can't thank you enough for being there. I do hope to come back every so often and see everyone and I WILL keep my blog updated with all kinds of interesting things going on.

I am closing this chapter of my life and a new one is opening for me. I will keep you posted.

Oh and if anyone is interested, the moving sale will be on Friday June 27th and Saturday June 28th from 6 a.m. to Noon both days. I am selling some of the household items and I am selling off most of the scrapbook supplies I have now. I just don't feel like I can move all this stuff again. I moved some of this stuff once.

I hope I will get to see you all before I leave, if not, Thank you for everything!

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