Monday, December 28, 2009

34 things to accomplish

Some of you may know I had a birthday this month. I turned 34. I love reading blogs and I was inspired by Elsie's blog A Beautiful Mess. She posted about how she made a list of things to do before her next birthday. It got me thinking and I just loved the idea.
Why not make a goal list for the year based on your age?!?! I need to get myself focused and working towards a goal. For the last few years, I have felt like I am treading water in my life.

Not going anywhere.

Not growing.

Stuck in stagnant water

This is my time, my year to make things happen in my life. I can feel it. Something was different about this birthday. Most of the time my birthdays just wash over me and they aren't that special. I hope to keep this feeling going.

Of course, over the last week it hasn't been a great time. Too much snow, not getting out of the house. I am getting down in the dumps, but today the snow is shining on ice coated branches making the world seem it is made of glass. The snow flocked evergreens waiting patiently. Today is a day of renewal and change.

I hope everyone has a wonderful end to their year and a great start for 2010.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

I have lots to share!!! You can see in the background I was in Las Vegas this month. It was my birthday and our Christmas present to each other. We are standing outside of Bellagio where we stayed for a week.

I hope this next week I have off from school I can catch you up on everything that has happened over the last couple of months. But right now I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!! I hope you all stay safe and be careful. We are staying home for Christmas because of the weather and will have Christmas with the families next week when hopefully the weather is a little nicer.

Take care and have a wonderful holiday!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

I have lots to share with everyone for the last few months. I want to post and say how thankful I am for a roof over my head, the love of my husband and being close to my family once again. I have missed living in the desert but I now have a job I love and I get to see my parents more than twice a year.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and make sure you don't eat too much. I will be down at weigh-in on Monday even after turkey dinner :)

Take care and I will be back with photos and other updates this weekend.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

8 Years Ago

Eight years ago today I married my best friend. I met Jason my freshman year of college. We had a long distance relationship for close to 5 years. We were together 7 years when we finally got married. For some reason, we decided it was a good idea to wait for him to graduate from pharmacy school before getting hitched.

We have had a lot of ups and downs in the last 8 years. We have both lost grandparents. We moved over 1300 miles from both of our families. We bought our first house. We have had a niece and 2 nephews join the family. Jason changed jobs and we moved back to the Midwest.

I know I couldn't have done it without you by my side. I know wherever life takes us, I can count on you to be there with me. You are my friend and my partner in everything. I love you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well, I am down a little over 8 pounds as of right now. I have been working hard and keeping myself on track. I have had some restaurant eating in my weeks and some trips to families for dinners or over night.

This week I maintained. No loss or gain, just staying the same. I am starting my 8th week. Two months I have been working on getting myself healthy. Here are some things I have discovered about myself for this journey.

1. It's ok to eat out once in awhile just don't do it everyday.
2. Don't limit yourself on something you want. Go ahead and eat it. Give yourself permission to enjoy it. Just don't use it as an excuse to completely go off program.
3. This is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle change.
4. Know you will have ups and downs. Take them as they come and work through them. I have had a couple of rough weeks emotionally, but I have worked hard not to turn towards food as comfort. It's not easy, but I have been keeping my hands busy during these tough times with embroidery.
5. This will not be an easy journey, but I am ready to get going and keep on this path.

Now some things I need to work on :)

1. I need to exercise. I did ok at the beginning but I got my schedule messed up and now I am not getting it in as regularly as I was. I need to start again and just get moving.
2. Eating my fruits and veggies. I love them, all kinds, but it's not the easiest to get in everyday.
3. Journal. I do pretty good most days but the weekend I have a tendency to slack off. This I need to work on.

Ok, I know there is more for me to work on but I think three things will be good for the next 8 weeks. I don't want to discourage myself by making too many goals that I can't possibly acheive them all.

Now, time to get started on my Silverbella swaps. I have the bases done for two of them and ideas started for the rest. I am getting so excited for this event. I can't wait.

I am off, but remember take time to create today!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is a special number. This is how much I lost in my first week back at Weight Watchers. I was floored when the leader told me how much I had lost. I didn't know what to say at first. When I was last on WW I never lost that much in one week ever. The most I would lose is 3 pounds.

I want this. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to walk up the stairs to my apartment and not get winded. I don't want to end up like both of my parents. They both have problems with all their lower joints. They have high blood pressure, cholesterol and my dad is diabetic. I want to be able to live without these problems and without having to be on medication when I get older. Also, the older I get the harder it will be to get the weight off.

I am going to work hard and I will stay on program this time around. I want to see under 200 this time.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Week of Healthy Lifestyle

Well, last Monday I started back at Weight Watchers. I got on the scale and weighed in at my highest weight ever. I was sad and ashamed of myself. How did I let myself get this far down the road??

I got home, sat down and started reading through the literature for Week 1. They have changed up the program some since the last time I was on WW. I made sure I was comfortable with the new program and started counting my points on Tuesday. DH is doing this with me so hopefully the two of us will be able to keep each other on track. We are both tired of the way we feel and hopefully this time we will succeed.

Last time I was on WW we did well for a while but then we went on vacation. We let the vacation take us off track. We then started to revert back to our old habits of getting take away and going out to eat.

So, our goal now is going out to eat twice a week instead of the four-five we were going out for. We are trying new recipes to keep things interesting. I am making weekly visits to the farmer's market while they are going and just making sure there are good, healthy items in the house.

We are heading to my parents for the fourth this coming weekend and we will see how it goes. We are planning our snacks and I will make sure I get my exercise in.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Epic Fail!

OK, some days things work out the way you want and other days not so much. This last week I was working on getting my charms finished up and in the mail for the "Things with Wings" charm swap I am participating in. I posted a photo of what I started with. Well, I decided to add this and that to the charms and at the end of the day I hated them. I was so disappointed with the first batch of charms I made. Then on Thursday, I went to get them off the balcony where they were drying and found them strewn by the wind. Some fell through the cracks of the balcony and I just gave up then. Here they are in mid process.

So, this Monday rolls around and I have to get my charms made and in the mail this week. I start like I did before, but decided to keep it simple but still beautiful. It's a good thing I cut more than I needed of the clay disks in the beginning. Now they are packaged and ready to be put in the mail today.

Next time I will practice on one or two before doing the WHOLE lot. Oh, and don't worry, the ones I did save, I can sand off and use them for another project so all is well in my little craft world.

Remember to take time to create!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Work in Progress

Well, it's been awhile again since I have blogged. I have been working *gasp* at a long term position at one of the schools here. I decided to work for the public schools as a substitute para educator (fancy way of saying teacher's assistant). It has been a little crazy at times but I have enjoyed working for the schools. I plan on working next year as a sub also.

I have also been crafting in my spare time. I haven't been able to get into where all my supplies are but I have been doing some things that I can get to. Mainly I have been working on jewelry. I think I am going to open an etsy site and see if I can sell some things through there. Here are some photos of some things I have been working on.

These are some small canvas hangings I made for the teacher and para I worked with for the last month or so.

They really made me feel comfortable and part of the class I was working in.

The canvas are 3" square that I got at Dick Blick. The sayings are stamps from Paula Best. I just love the images and the sayings she has on her stamps. The canvas I painted using different techniques I learned in Paulette Insall's backgrounds class. It's online and I had so much fun taking the class.

This is a work in progress. I am in the "Thing with Wings" charm swap over at Faerie Dust Dreams. This has been a fun swap to work on. I have these started. I just need to wait for them to dry so I can get them finished. I am even making a couple of extra charms to use later.

Hopefully I won't be so long between posts from now on. Take care and remember to make time to do something for yourself.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thank you Mom!

I know I am late with posting this but at least I am posting it now. It's a running joke in my family about cards and gifts arriving late.


I just want you to know how much you are a huge part of my life. Every up and down I have, I know I can talk to you and you will listen and understand. You have always been there for the big and little steps I have taken in my life. When Jason and I were deciding to move away, you were so sad but you also made to point to remind me that if we didn't do it know, we may never take the chance later in life. Those years apart from you and dad were rough but we still made it through. Technology really helped with that. Thank you for being there for us if not in person, at least over the phone and the computer.

Thank you mom.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Our House

is a very, very fine house. At least we thought it was when we bought it. We lived in it for a little over three years. At the time we bought it, we didn't think we would be moving so soon. We were going to be in the house for 5-10 years and then maybe build our next one. Circumstances don't always work out that way. My DH decided he really didn't like his job and started looking for a new one in Tucson. He also started looking back by our families. He found this job in Lincoln, NE but he didn't think they would want him. He applied anyway and here we are almost a year later.

With the house, we had it on the market for 6months and we didn't sell it. We decided after some major contemplating, we would put the house up for rent. We got the paper work filled out, sent back to the rental agent and waited. We got a call last night that there was someone interested and we gave the okay today. It feels like a weight has been lifted some off my shoulders. I am so glad we will be able to get some of the money back we have been putting out each month.

Monday, April 20, 2009


This weekend we had a wonderful rain. It made everything pop with color after the clouds cleared and the sun came out to play. I forgot about all the wonderful colors that were to be enjoyed during the spring in the Midwest. I remember driving back here from Arizona last July and thinking about how everything started to become greener the farther north we went. I didn't know I missed those vibrant colors until I started to see them again. Don't get me wrong. The desert still has it 's fair share of colors but for the most part it is pretty drab.

I am really enjoying the change of seasons and watching everything come back to life after the cold of winter. It's something I will treasure.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well, I received this a while ago but I have been working lots and have not had time to update my blog.

This is the first blog award I have received. I was thrilled someone picked me.

Jacquie over at Creations4U picked me for this.

Now time to pick the people the make my heart smile.

Here are the Rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 10 blogs.
4. Put links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

Jenni Bowlin
Becky Novacek
May Flaum
Amanda Willey
Princess Lasertron
Scrappy Jessi
Teresa McFayden
Vicki Chrisman
Kelly Lautenbach
Heather Ales

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, it seems that subs are needed in the local school system here. I had a quiet week during spring break. I got a chair partially reupholstered, worked on some more jewelry pieces. DH and I went to a concert on Thursday in Omaha. DH took the next day off and we went shopping in Old Market and checked out a used record store. We met his parents for a nice dinner and basically spent the rest of the weekend just relaxing. It was a nice weekend and what a nice way to spend it.

Now I have worked the last two days, I am working tomorrow and we will see how the rest of the week goes. I have some photos to post and hopefully some mail to get out this week. Everyone take care and I'll be back soon.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a check in

I am trying really hard to keep up with my blog and post at least a couple of times a week. I have some projects I have been working on but I need to get the photos loaded and scaled down for the web. I am also recuperating from spending time at my parent's house and my new job. I had a blast at both but I am worn out. Hopefully I'll be back later today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First day on the job

Well, here it goes. I have been hired by the public school system here as a substitute para educator and I am taking my first sub job today. I freaked out a little on Sunday when I finally registered myself with the calling line. I barely got off the phone when it started calling me with positions needing filled. I did eventually calm down and I am going to do this. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I haven't worked for almost a year and I can tell I'm getting stir crazy.

Also, everyone be careful out there today. Today marks the 7th anniversary of our BMW's demise. 7 years ago today we were driving home from the airport after dropping DH's aunt off. We were at a red light when a drunk driver rear ended us. This was at 9:30 in the morning. Please be careful out there and if you do feel the need for a green beer or three, make sure you have someone to drive you home.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 16, 2009

What have I been doing?

Well, the last week I have been making some pieces of jewelry. I managed to clean out all my craft supplies in my closet and attempted to organize it and put it all back in. It kind of worked. I can now at least walk in and look at my clothes without stepping over craft supplies. When I cleaned everything out, I found my jewelry making supplies and decided I need to make something. I didn't know what, but I knew I had to make some kind of piece. Along comes this bracelet. It went together so quick that I shocked myself. It's not the best piece out there but I'm pretty happy with it.

Now I am going to enjoy this lovely sunshine and get some supper started. Take care!

Monday, March 9, 2009

What a day!!!

Saturday, I drove up from Lincoln to Fremont to take a beginning photography class with Becky Novacek. I was nervous and a little unsure of myself at the time. It had been awhile since I have taken any kind of class, let alone one for my camera. We have had this Canon for awhile now and all I ever shot in was auto. I wanted to be able to do more with my camera and when I read about this class on Vicki Chrisman's blog, I decided that I would take it if Becky ever offered it again.

I had such a wonderful time. I met some new people and learned how to use my camera at the same time. I think I have been needing something like this for awhile now. I have been holed up in my little cave for way too long and I need to get out and stretch my wings. Now I can't wait to get out and take some more photos. I will be going up to see my family in about two weeks and I will definitely work on getting as many photos as I can when I am there. The camera will not be sitting in the bag anymore.

Well, here are a few photos from this weekend. I haven't done anything yet to them in ps. They are straight off my cf card.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today is a sad day for the Eliason family. My Aunt Lola passed from complications during her cancer treatment. It makes me understand just how important it is to be close with family. I have now lost two family members suddenly in the last six months. I moved away for seven years and grew apart from my family. I would always get a Christmas card from my aunt and uncle every year we were away.

I am sitting here, thinking about my family and how I don't want anything else to happen to my family. I have grown apart from them and I don't want to be apart from them. I am getting ready to head up there with or without my husband. He is on call this weekend. I asked if he could change weekends with the other pharmacist so we will see. If he doesn't come with me, I will go without him. I did before.

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers, especially my Uncle Eldon in this hard time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Wow...I didn't know it's been over two months since I have posted. I think I need to set a challenge for myself to post at least twice a week this month. Not much has been going on here. I have visited my family over the holidays and just trying to still settle here. The house hasn't sold so I think we are going to try renting it out. We will see how it goes.

Ok, I'll be back later this week with some things I have been working on and other updates. I promise not to be so neglectful :)